The five E's of Inquiry

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What are the five E's of Inquiry??
(A constructivist approach to learning)
  • Engage--> An engaging activity
    • Making connections with their prior knowledge
    • Anticipate activities and focus students' thinking on learning!
      • Make them mentally engaged!
  • Explore--> Provides students with a common base of experiences.
    • develop concepts, process and skills
    • exploration of environment and materials
  • Explain--> Helps students to explain the concepts they are using
    • verbalize their understanding
    • demonstrate new skills
    • introduction of terms, definitions, and explanations
  • Elaborate--> extends students' understanding
    • practice of skills and behaviors
    • develop deeper and broader understanding of major concept
    • obtain additional information
  • Evaluate--> encourages learners to assess their understanding
    • assess abilities
    • evaluation of students
Image result for 5 e's of learning


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