Simple Machines

What are Simple Machines?

Simple Machines is defined as "any basic mechanical device that changes the direction or size of force".

Types of Simple Machines-

Image result for inclined plane
  • Inclined Plane--> A surface that has a flat, slanted side.
    • Simplest of all simple machines
    • steeper--> less distance, more effort
    • gentle--> more distance,  less effort
    • Example:  A ramp
        • Ramps allow us to lift a heavier load or for those in a wheelchair to access a building.
  • Screw--> Transforms rotational energy into vertical energy
    • parts of a screw
    • Lift things up
    • push things down
    • Hold things together
    • Example: water bottle cap.
  • Wedge-->  is simply a triangular tool, often made of metal, wood, stone or plastic.
    • wedge changing direction of the force
    • Uses directional force to spilt item and change the direction of force
    • Thick on one end, thinner on the other
    • Thinner and sharper--> less effort needed
    • Example: Axe
  • Lever--> a plank or ridged beam that is free to rotate on a pivot.
    • parts of a lever for kids
    •  perfect for lifting or moving heavy things
    • Four parts-  bar or beam, the fulcrum (the pivot or the turning point), effort (or force) and the load.
    • Example: see-saw
  • Pulley--> wheel with a groove in it, and a rope in the groove. 
    • Changes the direction of force
      • The downward force turns the wheel with the rope and pulls the load upwards at the other end.
    • Used to lift heavy objects
    • Example: Flag pole
  • spur gear and worm gear
  • Wheel and Axle--> two circular objects — a larger disc and a smaller cylinder, both joined at the center.
    • Force can be applied to both to wheel and the axle
    • Example: Gears and doorknob
  • diagram of a gear simple machine


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