Weathering and Erosion

Weathering and Erosion are natural elements that occur on Earth. But what is the difference?
Weather breaks down the rocks and minerals and turns it into the soil, meanwhile the erosion moves up the contents created by weathering. Weathering creates the mess and erosion cleans it up!
There are two types of weathering; chemical and physical (mechanical). 
Physical weathering causes rock to crumble. 
It can be caused by:
  • abrasion-->  commonly caused by moving water and gravity
  • temperature--> thermal stress (heat= expand; cold= contract)
Chemical weathering changes the molecular structure of rocks and soil
Ex: CO2 combines with H20 and creates carbonation; hydration; hydrolysis
Can cause sinkholes or caves

There is no rock strong enough to withstand the effects of weathering or erosion.
Length of exposure contributes to how vulnerable a rock is to weathering
Lava and rocks that are quickly buried beneath other rocks are less  vulnerable to weathering and erosion than rocks exposed to wind and water

Weather and Erosion changes landscapes of Earth and can create new ones! For example, the Grand Canyon was created due to weather and erosion!
In one video, it talked about how weathering effects Cape Cod. I went to Cape Cod this past summer for the first time with my boyfriend and his family. I was amazed to see the visible effects of erosion and weathering! There were cliffs surrounding all the beaches. Below I attached pictures. The lighthouse below is moved every 50 years or so due to the constant erosion occurring. I thought this was interesting and wanted to share my experience with you all!



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