Saying goodbye to Science Methods

Science methods was the second methods course I took with Dr. Smirnova. I took Social Studies Methods first. In Social Studies methods, you teach three full class lessons; direct, inquiry and cooperative. Typically, you take social studies second, however due to scheduling conflicts I took it first. In science, you teach two full class lessons; direct and inquiry.

In social studies, it was my first time teaching full class. I was nervous and prefer to teach using direct instruction. However, after this semester, i prefer inquiry. This semester, the focus of the course was inquiry. I learned how to properly teach it and because of that, I felt like my lesson went far better than last semester.

Overall, I felt as though my lessons went far better. I was more confident in front of the class and had better classroom management. I had lesson corrections as I learned from my mistakes last semester As for inquiry, my lesson was far more engaging and interactive.

I would like to continue working on my academic vocabulary as well as improving my lesson plans. I truly feel as though Dr. Smirnova's courses have helped to make me a better teacher and prepared me for student teaching!!

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